Game Reports
Following are reports on recent battles played by the club.
Late Roman Civil War

Freeman's Farm

Big Bethel

Battle of Shiloh Church
Battle of Guagamela

English Civil War Battle

Battle of Heraklea 280BC

Battle of Gazala - May 1942
Played on October 23, 2021
Tank Battle: An engagement between elements of the British 4th Armored Brigade vs. German 15th Panzer Division
British players: Scot, Mike, and Morgan
German players: Jeff, George, Guy, Dave
Rules: Battlefront World War II variation of Fire and Fury
Buildings: 15mm Battlefront
Scorer: Joe RotiRoti
Hosts: Jeff Nicholls and Jackie Nicholls who once again provided coffee and donuts plus a safe gaming environment during the Covid epidemic. Thank you!
Photographs: Dave Waite
Result: British victory.
Weather: raw and dank. Of the last 5 days only Saturday was dry enough to play a game.
Purpose: a second test game to gain familiarity with the Battlefront game rules and mechanisms [first one in September].
Scot put up a gallant defense against George and Jeff until rescued by Mike and Morgan. Their opponents may have lost but made the British pay a price in burning tanks much to Guy's enjoyment.