Origins Game Convention

We will once again be exhibiting at the Origins Game Convention in Columbus, Ohio on June 20-23 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.  As we have done for the last few years, we will be the official representative for GMT Games. In our booth 1115 we will be displaying all current games by GMT as well as many games which are out of print and no longer available.

We will have a select number of games by other publishers in our booth, but if there is some game in particular that you would like us to bring to Origins, please contact us through our web site or email so that we can be sure to pack it.

We hope to see some of you there.

Huge Game Collection Acquisition

We are in the process of picking up a large collection of wargames on August 17.  It is over 250 games which span the time from older SPI and Avalon Hill titles to ones by current publishers.  Over the next few weeks, we will be adding these to our web store and will also list many of them on the New Additions section of the web site so that you don't have to search to see what is being added.  Let us know if there are any questions.

GenCon Purchases

We just returned from GenCon where we purchased several large boxes of out of print games which we are in the process of adding to the web store inventory.  Although there are not a lot of board wargaming options at GenCon, we usually manage to come home with games acquired in the games auction or from a couple of exhibitors.  As an aside, attendance was a record almost 75,000 this year, and they extended their contract to stay in Indianapolis through at least 2030.

Memoir '44 Restock

We have just received a restock on most of the Memoir '44 titles from Days of Wonder.  These are the base game as well as most of the expansions which have been reprinted.  Many of these expansions have been out of stock for quite some time.  You can do a Memoir '44 search in the web store to see what is all available.

Strategy & Tactics Additions

We have acquired a couple of large collections of S&T magazines which are being added to the web store.  This is filling in some holes on issues that we are missing, but most are additions to ones that we already had in stock.  In many of those cases, we have lowered the prices.

Lots of Out of Print Games Added

We have recently acquired a couple of large game collections and will be adding these listings to our web store over the next few weeks.  In addition, we have just returned from GenCon where we won several boxes of games in the games auction.  We will get these added to the store as soon as we can.  Some of these will be highlighted in the New Additions - Out of Print games section.

SPI Parts Additions

We just added a large amount of additional SPI parts to our Spare Parts listings.  These are not available through the web store.  If you see something of interest or have any questions, please either send us an email or post a message on the web site in order to check on availability.

Web Site Issues Resolved

We are happy to report that the web site search issues that we were having in late December and early January have all been resolved.  You should now be able to search our web store by title and by publisher as you were able to do so in the past.  We are sorry for any inconvenience this caused during this time.  Thanks to those of you who brought this problem to our attention.

Enterprise Games Away Until December 18

We will be away from December 8th through the 17th so will not be able to process orders during this time.  You may still place orders in the web store, but we will not be able to start shipments until the week of December 20.  Sorry for the delay.

SALE - GMT Games Shrinkwrapped Older Editions

We have found ourselves with a number of older editions of games by GMT which are mint in the original shrinkwrap.  In almost all cases, these games are available in newer editions so we are offering these earlier copies of the games at sale pricing around 30% off.  The quantities are limited with most only being one or two copies.  You can check them out in the Specials tab of the web site.

New Additions

We have obtained three game collections during the past couple of weeks.  These include quite a few SPI and Avalon Hill titles as well as a number of ASL modules, both unpunched & punched.  Most of these will be added to the web site lists during the next couple of weeks.  We will feature many of these in the New Additions Out of Print section of the web site.

Victory at Sea by Warlord Games

Warlord Games has released their World War II naval fleet game Victory at Sea.  The game follows on with their popular game of Cruel Seas, but with larger class ships and a reduction in scale to 1/1,800.  The initial release includes the base game, Victory for the Pacific, which provides the base materials needed to play the game along with a selection of US Navy and IJN warships.  Also provided are separate fleet boxes for the US Navy, the Imperial Japanese Navy, the Royal Navy and the Kriegsmarine.  Finally, their are individual ship boxes for the Bismarck, the Yamato, HMS Warspite and USS Idaho battleships. 

Imperial Struggle by GMT is Out of Print

GMT Games has announced that Imperial Struggle, their Twilight Struggle-like game of the 18th century conflict between England and France, has just gone out of print  They had produced 10,000 copies of this game and have sold out in just a few weeks.


Several of you have asked how we are getting along during these challenging times due to the pandemic.  Healthwise, we are doing fine and trying to stay safe.  Businesswise, things are also going well.  Our volume of online sales is about the same as last year so we are very happy with that.  The only real issue is that our convention business is obviously severely impacted by Covid.  We did attend a couple of conventions early in the year, but since March everything else has been cancelled including our big convention at Origins.  We also missed out on the game auctions this year that we normally attend, especially the GenCon auction which we have attended for the past 25 plus years.  Despite that, things are going well, and we greatly appreciate the business that we have continued to receive from all of our online customers.  We hope that you are all staying safe and looking forward to a better 2021.


Origins - Columbus, Ohio 

To update the posting below, Origins 2015 went very well and many customers were glad to see GMT Games represented at Origins.  This worked out so well that had the same arrangement at the 2016 convention.  In addition, we sponsored several GMT games in the events program that were run by the Grogheads group. Through the efforts of Grogheads and several of the vendors, board wargaming is establishing a bigger presence at Origins.  The plans are to continue this, and expand upon it, at Origins 2017.  We will continue to sponsor some of their events, and we have already agreed with GMT that we will again represent them at the convention.  By the way, our biggest seller this year was Liberty or Death.  We brought our last 12 copies of the game and sold them out quickly.  We are looking forward to Origins 2017 which will be on June 14-18 again at the Columbus, Ohio convention center.

Origins - Columbus, Ohio, June 3-7, 2015

We will be exhibiting at Origins for the first time this year and are very happy to announce that we will be representing GMT Games at the convention.  GMT has not been able to attend Origins for the last few couple of years, so it will be great to help reestablish their presence there.  Most of our booth will be dedicated to GMT products including their latest released titles and many out of print games, and we will have many special convention deals.  We will be at booth 735 which is on the right half of the main exhibit hall about half way back.  The link to the site is Origins.  Feel free to bring to the booth any wargames that you would want to sell for cash or trade credit.

John Hill

I was very sad to hear of the passing of game designer John Hill earlier this week.  He is one of the giants in wargaming with huge accomplishments including his work on Squad Leader and Johnny Reb.  However, my connection with John goes back to the late 1960's-early 1970's when I was attending Purdue University.  At the time John owned a hobby store in Lafayette, Indiana and had many interactions with the Purdue Wargames Club where I was a member.  This was in the period of the initial release of the early Conflict Games including Bar-Lev and Verdun and he relied upon our club to playtest some of the games.

John will be greatly missed by all of us and his family and friends are in my thoughts. 

Feedback and Web Site Status

Thanks for all of the feedback on our new web site.  We appreciate the encouraging and constructive comments.  We are continuing to work on enhancing the site and will also be adding more photos over the next few weeks.  There are still a few items that we are working on.  The biggest that should be fixed soon is to not show products which are no longer in stock.  We are waiting for a software update from our software provider which should take care of this.

New Web Site

We are sorry for our being unavailable for the past 3 weeks.  We were already beginning to work on a complete redesign of our site when we suffered a server crash that put us off-line until the new site could get up and running.  I am glad to say that we are finally at that point.  Hopefully, you will find the new site to your liking.  We no longer have the spreadsheet of games which allowed you to scroll through it, but there are now many more benefits including a shopping cart, search capabilities and easier navigation.  We also will be uploading photos for many of the games over the next few months.  We look forward to your comments, feedback and suggestions which you can send through an email or using the feedback form on the Contact Us drop down.  Thanks for your patience.

Advance the Colors Convention

We will be attending the Advance the Colors game convention in Springfield, Ohio on Sept. 19-21.  This convention is hosted by the Great Lakes chapter of the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society and is our first time to exhibit there.  They had invited us last year but we had a conflict, so were happy when they again extended an invitation to us this year.  If you are planning to attend and want us to bring something along from our inventory, please let me know.

GenCon 2014

We are getting ready to attend the GenCon games convention in Indianapolis on August 14-17.  As usual, I will be spending most of my time in the auction room, either working or sitting in the audience buying games.  We will get there Wednesday morning to start doing in-take for the auction and will be there every day from opening to closing (which is sometimes well after midnight).  It is a long 5 days but a fun atmosphere, and it is always great to see everyone.  We are taking several boxes of stuff to enter into the auction and hopefully we will be bringing home several boxes of new games for the inventory.

Upcoming Conventions

We will be exhibiting at two game conventions this Spring.  The first will be at CincyCon at The Atrium Hotel and Conference Center in Cincinnati, Ohio on Friday March 1 thru Sunday March 3.  The link to the convention's web site is http://www.cincycon.org/index.html  This will be the first time that we have set up at this convention, but I have heard great things about it.

The second convention will be Little Wars at the DuPage Expo Center in St. Charles, Illinois on Friday April 26 thru Sunday April 28.  Their link is http://www.hmgsmidwest.com/main%20LW.html  We have attended this convention for many years and always have a great time here.

If you should happen to be attending either of these conventions, please stop by our booth and say Hi.  Also, if there is something from our web site that you would like us to bring along for you to purchase or just look at, go ahead and let us know before then so that we can pack it in the van.  We hope to see you.

GenCon 2012

We are home from the GenCon 2012 game convention.  There weren't as many high quality wargames in the auction this year, but we did pick up a few things.  These include copies of Bloody Road South, Omaha: The Bloody Beach and Bloody 110 by The Gamers, an unpunched copy of Raiders & Traders by Chaosium, and an unpunched Great Medieval Battles Quad by SPI which came from the TSR research library.  We will be adding these and the other purchases to the web site within the next couple of weeks.

One interesting section of the auction involved an archive of TSR products that was found by the new owners of the company, Wizards of the Coast.  TSR had put aside sealed copies of most of their products for legal and research reasons which were stored in a warehouse and which the WOTC people recently came across.  They decided to offer a portion of these to the GenCon auction with proceeds to go to the Gary Gygax memorial fund.  There were 100 lots which were auctioned off during the charity portion of the auction on Saturday night.  Most of the items were long out of print roleplaying items, but there were a number of board games including a lot of every SPI/TSR title, all in shrinkwrap, a sealed copy of Divine Right, an early edition Fight in the Skies, and a lot of 3 SPI sealed flat packs which included Legion.  Since it was for charity, the bidding went quite high on everything with the SPI/TSR lot going for $450.  It was very interesting seeing some of these older products including the roleplaying stuff.

As always, the convention and auction was a lot of fun.  Always special interest in the auction is to listen to the auctioneers talk about the early days of GenCon (which started as a wargaming convention), TSR and gaming in general.  The convention continues to grow each year, especially since the move to Indianapolis, and I just heard yesterday that the total gate was over 120,000 attendees.

Tim Stabosz

As I noted in my news item below, we recently acquired the business inventory of my friend Tim Stabosz.  Tim asked to use our web site to reach out to his many friends and former customers, and I am happy to provide him with that opportunity.  Below is Tim's message to you.

Dear former customers:
I wanted to take the time to explain "what happened to Stabosz," and Don Pawley has graciously provided the opportunity for me to do that. The changes in the way out-of-print wargames are bought and sold, over the last decade or so, combined with my increased involvement in the stock market, and other demands on my time, pretty much "dictated" my fading out from being a games reseller. As you probably all know, I enjoyed the "merchandising" aspect of it immeasurably, and the personal contact with all of you. With that in mind, Don Pawley and I have known each other for nearly 20 years (originally meeting on the old Prodigy network in the early to mid 1990's), and I am proud to call him my friend. After much deliberation, I'm pleased to announce that, as of summer 2011, I have sold out my remaining games inventory to Enterprise Games, and Don will be carrying on from here for me.
I'm still in LaPorte, Indiana, and would be delighted to hear from any of you. You can contact me at [email protected], or call me at (219) 324-5087. I should also say, I do still attend GenCon almost every year (I've attended 29 out of the last 30 GenCons!), so you can always see me there...in the auction.
My best wishes to all of you, old friends. I greatly appreciated the chance to be of service to you. It meant a lot to me. And my best wishes to Don, in his diligent and dedicated commitment to provide reliable service at fair prices for the specialized niche of OUR wargaming community.
Tim Stabosz

Tim Stabosz Inventory Purchase

I am sure that many of you have dealt with Tim Stabosz.  For approximately 20 years, he has been in the business of selling games (wargames, family games and roleplaying items) through his mail-order business.  We met back in the late '90's at GenCon in Milwaukee and have stayed in touch on a regular basis since then.  Recently, Tim decided to phase out his games business and approached us with the idea of selling his inventory to Enterprise Games.  We have concluded that purchase and have begun to move his inventory from LaPorte, Indiana to our warehouse.  Over the next several weeks, and probably months, we will be adding those items to the listings on our web site.  As usual, the blue print will indicate new items to our listings and many of those will be items that we have acquired from Tim.  I thank Tim for this opportunity to carry on his business, and I am sure that he will still be involved in our hobby.

Wargames Wanted

As always, we want to purchase wargames, whether individual titles or whole collections.  If you want to raise some extra cash or get a credit to trade for new items on our web site, send us your list of what you have available and we will give you a quote.  If you are in the midwestern US, we can travel to your location, evaluate your items and give you a payment on the spot.  Let us know if you have any questions on the procedures.

Non-Sport Trading Cards Added to Website

For a number of years, we have sold non-sport trading cards.  If you are not familiar with them, these are trading cards with assorted themes other than being sports related.  These include movies, television shows, historical topics, art, etc.  We have literally hundreds of thousands of these cards in stock which are from the 1950's up to today.  I have decided to add these to our web site.  They will be located on a separate sub-section of our website which can be accessed from a link on our home page.  Due to the large quantity and diversity of these cards, it will literally require months to add our complete inventory.  However, I have input a number of the recent card sets.  If you are interested in James Bond, Lost, Alias, etc., you can check it out. 

As I said, we will be adding titles all of the time, but feel free to ask if you are looking for something in particular.   Some of the items still to be added include Civil War News and other cards from the 1960's, many sets from the 1970's & 80's, Star Trek and Star Wars sets and many autograph cards.

New Listings in Blue

As many of you have noticed, I have recently started highlighting new additions to the game listings.  As I add new games to the lists, I am highlighting these by the use of blue typing.  I am not doing this for common titles but rather for ones which are new to the lists or have some unique feature.  This will apply to recently released games as well as out of print ones.  Usually, I will leave the blue print in place for about a month.

SPI Parts Acquired

Enterprise Games has recently acquired a large stock of SPI parts.  These include unpunched counter sheets, maps, rule books, charts, etc.  The majority of these items were obtained from Lou Zocchi of Gamescience.  When SPI closed their doors, he managed to get the rights to purchase assorted SPI parts from their warehouse.  Over the years, he used these parts to assemble many SPI games, including Campaign for North Africa, Bloody April, Next War and Atlantic Wall, to name a few.  We have now obtained the remainder of the parts from Lou.  You may view the listing of available parts by clicking on the following link SPI PARTS